Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yoo Hoo!

I've been away from the internet for too long. First it was because Maris! the Lawyer! came to visit from chicago. We window shopped, bar hopped, wine tasted, ate amazing food, and .... played WOW. Yes, that's right, World of Warcraft is now on my computer and you can find me running around in Misha realm. Oh god. I'm being soaked in nerd. And it's not even from Kamel, it's from the secret nerd life of maris (maris, I'm publicly outing you! Embrace!).

I'm also switching up offices at work and right now we have a TV, but no computers. I'm behind in my blog writing, in my blog reading, in my emails, it's awful.

So to keep you entertained while I get my internet shit together, here is a video of maris and I at the Giant's game:


  1. welcome to the land of nerddom my friend... it is a wonderful place to be. So is napa valley.

  2. Napa is the land of fancy excess, fountains, and see through white pants. Nerdom is the land of sweat pants, cheeto stains, and blood shot eyes. Both beautiful in their own way.

  3. Going to need to start calling you Codex from now on:
