Friday, October 9, 2009


The last few weeks - dare I say a month? - I have become well acquainted with the sunrise. I've been waking up at 6am and out the door for a run by 620. At that time it's dark. Really really nighttime holyfuckwhyamIawake dark. And the trees cast weird shadows in the streetlights and everything is spooky. I do a lot of flinching for no reason. But then the sky starts to turn this light blue and I can see the cracks in the cement better and I, along with the rest of the world, start to feel a little more human.

The best thing about getting a work out in really early is that at least 1/3 of time spent running, I have no recollection of. It's like when you are driving and you space out for a bit and then all of a sudden you're almost there. It's a little spooky but it's kind of nice too. With running - it's fantastic. And then I'm at work hours and hours later and I suddenly remember - hey! I worked out today. And it's like another pat on the back.

So anyways - I'm running and the sky is this bright light blue. Like someone is shining a flashlight through a piece of colored tissue paper. And by the time I get home there are birds and people getting their kids ready for school, and other people walking dogs. But the best part is when I make it back up to the apartment and I roll out claire's yoga mat that she is letting me use and I face my east-sided window and while I stretch the sky turns pink! and orange! and look there is a plane and it's exhaust is a streak of highlighter. And yes, I know that's because of the pollution in the air, blahblahblah but it's beautiful! And I'm sweating and trying to loosen my hamstrings so I can go and stand for 9 hours at work and the tree tops are back lit and I wish I could take a picture but I know it's no use because there is something about replicating this that never ever ever comes out quite right.

Lately I've been feeling rather intimate about sunrises.

1 comment:

  1. I love sunrises too! I stare out the bus window every morning mesmorized by the reflections on the Charles river in Boston. I see it every day but, for some reason, it always seems like the first time and it makes me smile. :)
