Monday, November 23, 2009


So I saw New Moon today.

My favorite part was the wolves and laughing at all the cheesiness. And wow. Velveeta.

Ladies Night

"Aw damnit your eyes were closed. Ok let's try it again... smile!"

"Kathleen! Your eyes are closed again!"
"Well the flash is really bright!"
"Ok one more time."

"Really? I have tiny eyes, maybe they just look small. Lemme see..... oh. No. You're right. Definitely closed. This time I'm gonna keep my eyes closed and then when you tell me I'll open them."

"Alright... one two three... OPEN!"

"Shit. It wasn't fast enough. My bad. One .... more.... time."

"Hahahaha!!! You look like a crazy but they're OPEN!!"
"Please don't put that on facebook."
"I won't. I PROMISE."

Sunday, November 22, 2009


- Sorry I missed your calls. I was sleeping like a hibernating bear.
- But now I am awake and want to play in the snow.

+ Hahaha you are cracking me up.

-Why? Because I am a Polar Bear from Earth? That's how I feel today.

+ As opposed to venus?

- That's your planet. I'm from mars. But the bear is from *earth. ;)

*Disney's Earth


Oh my god it's been forever and I hate when that happens. I am always thinking about things to write here and then I am too tired or work is killing me or I want to read or I get sick or I'm busy having life outside of my computer. This time it was a royal combination.

Now then... I have a theory about swine flu. Well, more like a theory about the vaccine. The very rare, slowly produced, yet highly promised vaccine distributed by the government and your local walgreens.

First of all. The regular flu kills about 36,000 people in the US every year. That's a large number that never makes the news. H1N1 or Swine is just a new and different flu that most people under the age of 45 haven't ever been exposed to before. So it sucks. Because it packs a wallop and it happens to be life threatening in some different ways than the regularly flu, but the one that is the biggy for both - the flu turned pneumonia.

Ok now then, here is my big theory on the scarcity of vaccines. I'm pretty sure the government wants the bulk of its citizens to get swine flu. Why? Because for the majority of us it's a pain in the ass but it naturally builds our immunity. It saves the government a lot of money, makes money for the news channels reporting THE PANDEMIC and gives us all something to talk about during the winter instead of the economy or "happy holidays" vs "merry christmas". So the government pumps out enough vaccine to get those people with asthma and other respiratory issues covered and then lets the rest of us writhe in bed with a chest cough from hell for like... 4 days.... and then we go back to work feeling like heroes because we survived THE SWINE FLU PANDEMIC.

In other words - relax. It's time off to watch movies. If your fever lasts more than 3 days call the doctor. In the meantime cover your mouth and wash your hands. :) And don't wait on the vaccine. It's not coming.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh. Hello November. Heh.

Woah there. So. Yes. It's the 12 and my last post was ten days ago. So my apologies on that one. And anyone who I haven't emailed back and said I would, you know who you are. Sorry about that. See I have this job? Right? And this job? It doesn't let me play online like all the other office-y jobs out there. And when I get home? Sometimes I just want to read. You know - books?

Speaking of reading. I started Catcher In The Rye this weekend. Aimlessly reading in a *cough* Starbucks *cough* was a huge wakeup call to how much I fucking LOVE DOING THAT! When did I forget that spending 3 hours in one of those big comfy chairs and every so often scanning the room for crazies while reading half a book was the best thing in the entire world? Well, thank god I've remembered is all I'm saying. Also - I've mentioned Catcher (we're on intimate terms now so I'm allowed to abrev.) to a few people. How I'm reading it and how I never have, weird right? Cuz generally it's one of "those" books you read in highschool? Maybe mine didn't care because it was all girls and we were too busy reading the Bronte sisters and studying for AP tests. I'm just saying. Anyhoos. Everyone I mentioned my current read to was a boy and they all said "wow. what a book. I loved it." "Reason i started writing" or something big like that. I'm paraphrasing. They also mentioned, after a pause, how if they read it nowadays they would think the main character was kind of annoying. People! Dude from Catcher is a douche. He's lonely and stuff but GOD he's so effing whiny. It's still good though. I'm almost done.

Back to why I haven't written. So there was the working and the reading and the whole running a muck actually having a life thing. It's rough. It seems like the beginning of months are always full of a hullabaloo.

Also - I read on the twitter today that in 7 weeks it will be 2010. Wtf? Where did the year go? It feels like yesterday claire and I were down at the sheraton lying around in complimentary bathrobes, eating room service and trying to steam our outfits in the bathroom with the shower running. My family is already pestering me for christmas lists. Where or where has the time gone?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Girls Are Better

At most things, it's true. But really - I think the gender's trade off at what their awesome at. Like women are really great at doing laundry, and cooking dinner, and men are really great at going to work everyday, making money, and doing hard things like math and science. Good think I'm just a writer - something it's alright for women to excel at.

Ok I'm joking. But for reals - yesterday, as I walked from one end of the airport to the other, having already said my own goodbye, I saw couple after couple dealing with separation anxiety. Here's how it went: Guy = hugging, groping, "one more hug?" "one more kiss?", lifting girl up, spinning girl around, basically making the goodbye linger. Girl on the other hand = obliges boy for the most part, but then at a certain point, regardless of which is getting on the plane, is all "Ok, gotta go, I love you, I'll talk to you later." This is me, walking through the airport and actually hearing and seeing this. And I'm thinking wow, yeah, I just did that. It was the "Ok, I've had enough of this crappy goodbye (because all goodbyes are crappy, I'm not making a value judgment here), time to get on with life and stop lamenting" hug and walk away.

So here's my new sweeping generality: Girls are better at goodbyes than boys are. I studied lots of human things with my anth minor in college, and I always wanted to do a study on human behavior in airports (instead I did a study on human behavior involving vending machines... interesting stuff). Things got dicy, though, with the whole 9/11 tragedy and airports have become a place covered in paranoia and red tape.

Anyways - this was just one day and one observation of several couples at 7pm on a sunday in seattle. And is completely subject to what I deem to be a preferable goodbye, but my verdict is girls rule. As per my usual mindset. I wonder how other people like their goodbyes? I like mine short and sweet. I'm a walk-you-to-the-security-checkpoint kind of person, hug, and walk away. But do other people stand and wave? Wait until the last minute they can see someone? Are other people the drop off, kick you to the curb enthusiasts? Without even parking? Where does the majority fit?