Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To Job or Not To Job

Last week I got two calls for jobs. One scheduled me a same day interview but the guy seemed shady and i just didn't feel like getting out of my sweats at that exact moment. Call me lazy... or call me intuitive. Whatever - even I can't decide. So I just didn't show up. Then on friday while I was in SF for Ryan and Katrina's wedding I got another call, which i promptly returned after I got out of District 9 (Wow intense, go see - you'll like), left a message for the lady and never heard from her again. This week I am nothing but available and yet i receive no calls. Why? Because I have smited the job gods and now they are punishing me. I wasn't ready on their schedule so they aren't playing nice with mine. Humph. In the meantime I'm getting all sorts of antsy. Remember 2 months ago when I quit my job? (well some of you will and some of you are new. hi!) Well for a solid two months I was all "I don't even WANT a job. All I want to do is WRITE" well now I'm bored and now I want a job and now the jobs have all clammed up and gone away because the universe never lets me have what i want, instead it likes to watch me squirm for a while until it decides in it's GREAT BENEVOLENCE that I deserve a crumb here or a smidgen there. And so I wait. Cursing my earlier smiting.


  1. It's not the job gods. It's the economy. Although I guess sometimes something as huge and complicated as "the economy" can feel an awful lot like the gods.

  2. what is this "Economy" you speak of? sounds like bad juju to me. BURN THE WITCH! ;)

  3. What about porn star? That's a legitimate job right?
