Monday, August 31, 2009

Bath Time Fun: 2

Rubber ducky you're the one, you make bath time so much fun.... actually started out as a pill

And then later became a wolf.


Claire voted squirrel and I voted badger. Still 0-0. Fuck. We're bad at this game.

Do I Have A Degree Yet?

Here is how the conversation usually goes:

"Congratulations on finishing! That's so exciting! What are you doing now?"

"I'm trying to get a job barista-ing or cocktailing or something so I can have my days to write."

"Oh... are you getting published? Do you have a book agent?"

"Not yet, I'm working on short stories and increasing my portfolio right now. But I'll be figuring all that out after the new year."

"Oh. Short Stories... heh.... really.... Well that sounds great!"

Just in case you wanted to have that conversation with me - oh look!! It's already been had, so you can feel at ease now.

The weird thing is, there was a gathering, a celebration of talent where I read (SUPER WELL I DID GOOD FOR REALS), family and friends were involved, drinking ensued... it felt like graduation, professors referenced it as graduation, but you know what? Somewhere out there, a box with my thesis is floating around being judged and it could take up to six months before i get the A-Ok. So... am i degreed? Or...? I'm gonna pretend I am. Cuz I am, right? You were there. Well, not you, but some of you.

Anyways, I'm writing new things. YAY! And I'm looking for work! I've gotten a few nibbles but nothing jumping out at me. If you know any place that needs a barista, or a really hot cocktail waitress that only has coffee experience, lemme know!! I can hustle with the best of them. :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bath Time Fun: 1

My room mate and best friend, claire, and I have started a 12 day series called "Bath Time Fun". Last week while spending too much money at walgreens with Kathleen, we stumbled across sponge animals that expand in water. I give you Instant Critters:

So every evening claire and I will drop a capsule into a bowl of warm water and try and guess what animal friend it will expand into. This evening's challenge kept the score at 0-0 with claire guessing it was a buffalo and me guessing it was a grizzly bear. Only to find it was a motherfucking deer.

We even have a score board in the kitchen. Tomorrow one of us may very well pull ahead. Tune in.


I went to a friend from grad school's wedding yesterday and it pretty much blew my mind. I might be a sucker for ceremony and big life events (college graduation, major birthdays, weddings, births, etc) but i gotta say, there is something transcendent about a large group of people coming together purely out of love and appreciation for the relationship of two people they adore.

I guess theoretically this is how all weddings should be, right? But it's not. Weddings are crazy because family are crazy and there is a level of obligation with who you invite and where you sit so and so and who's great grandmother's whats-it you wear, etc etc. So weddings can sometimes be a little painful. This is the start of my wedding season (the wedding season of life). Before this summer I had only gone to family weddings and even those had my cringing at 14.

Anyways, i guess what I'm saying is the experience of a wedding is not about how much money you spend, whether it's an open bar or not, whether it's in a church, on a beach, or in your parent's gorgeous acreage. It's about a feeling of community inclusion, about the attitude of the guests, about a welcoming, inclusive environment where you feel like you're part of something great, just for a few ours, even if you're on the fringe. Weddings usher people into a new stage of life. It should be joyous and funny and endearing. I am honored to have been there for Katrina and Ryan. I feel like they've done more for me by including me in their special day, then I could have ever done by just attending, and I am very grateful for the experience.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fashion: A-Symmetry

It's always on my mind and I forgot to tell you about my latest small designer purchase! I had been lusting after a new jacket for seattle. Something bright! and happy! to combat the grey and dreary and to ironically accompany my Rain Cloud Necklace.And then I stumbled across Little House on my beloved Supermarket and it was love at first sight. Sigh. But I wasn't sure if the coat would really fit me... buttons down the front, or in this case A-line are sometimes tricky because I tend to be a little busty. But you know what's the best about supermarket?? You can talk directly to the designers and ask there opinions. In this case she told me to send her my measurements and she would custom a coat for no additional cost. LIKE WOAH.And it turned out fabulous. Check it out:

I'm all about supporting independent artists so go check out her stuff if you like what you see. YAY RED!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Woah there. Where did all my archiving go?

Well here's the story. I started cringing at the idea of people... actual real people... reading my previous entries with all my angst and bad attitudes and talking smack about people (I TALK SMACK?!) and basically all of the things i shouldn't have been putting on the internet in the first place but so obviously was. And wow, that's embarrassing. Especially with my new need to be all prof about it.

So here we are. Starting fresh. Don't worry. I still have it all saved on my computer for easy references. But for a bit things will be a little.... bland... around here. But I'm working on it. :) And I still have funny stories and deep, introspective topics to discuss. So, as usual, stay tuned.