Sunday, August 30, 2009


I went to a friend from grad school's wedding yesterday and it pretty much blew my mind. I might be a sucker for ceremony and big life events (college graduation, major birthdays, weddings, births, etc) but i gotta say, there is something transcendent about a large group of people coming together purely out of love and appreciation for the relationship of two people they adore.

I guess theoretically this is how all weddings should be, right? But it's not. Weddings are crazy because family are crazy and there is a level of obligation with who you invite and where you sit so and so and who's great grandmother's whats-it you wear, etc etc. So weddings can sometimes be a little painful. This is the start of my wedding season (the wedding season of life). Before this summer I had only gone to family weddings and even those had my cringing at 14.

Anyways, i guess what I'm saying is the experience of a wedding is not about how much money you spend, whether it's an open bar or not, whether it's in a church, on a beach, or in your parent's gorgeous acreage. It's about a feeling of community inclusion, about the attitude of the guests, about a welcoming, inclusive environment where you feel like you're part of something great, just for a few ours, even if you're on the fringe. Weddings usher people into a new stage of life. It should be joyous and funny and endearing. I am honored to have been there for Katrina and Ryan. I feel like they've done more for me by including me in their special day, then I could have ever done by just attending, and I am very grateful for the experience.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Good for you... I would like to see in person this version of Lauren...
