Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bath Time Fun: 1

My room mate and best friend, claire, and I have started a 12 day series called "Bath Time Fun". Last week while spending too much money at walgreens with Kathleen, we stumbled across sponge animals that expand in water. I give you Instant Critters:

So every evening claire and I will drop a capsule into a bowl of warm water and try and guess what animal friend it will expand into. This evening's challenge kept the score at 0-0 with claire guessing it was a buffalo and me guessing it was a grizzly bear. Only to find it was a motherfucking deer.

We even have a score board in the kitchen. Tomorrow one of us may very well pull ahead. Tune in.


  1. OMG I have a couple of packets of those! Only mine are dinosaurs! hahaha

    I buy random stuff every now and then now that I think about it. =)

  2. Can I put in a guess? I guess tonights animal will be a woodchuck.
